Intranet Sharepoint

Mairie de Luzaches
Optimisation des process
2024 Intranet


  • Separate content from the agent who created it
  • Facilitate inter-departmental exchanges
  • Unify document flows
  • Create a relevant search engine
  • Delete unnecessary and energy-consuming document sharing emails


  • A Microsoft 365 ecosystem: Exchange / Office / OneDrive is already used daily, SharePoint Online is the natural evolution to link these different tools.
  • solution created in 5 days of work per department
  • 3 phases of work:
    • Definition of need
    • Presentation of a functional model
    • Validation of the solution
  • A relevant search engine offering filters allowing you to easily find any document


  • Rapid adoption of the solution by municipal agents
  • Daily working comfort
  • Take control of the life of a document : no more various versions of the same document existing on many different workstations
  • Use of Teams linked to SharePoint for better interdepartmental communication
  • Teams also allows you to work in project mode around a theme in the same tool with the support of SharePoint documents
Réalisation: Intranet Sharepoint
Our work: sharepoint Intranet

La Mairie de Luzarches se dote d'un intranet SharePoint afin de proposer un outil de travail unique à tous ses services. Projet par lot où chaque lot concerne un service donné pour fluidifier et automatiser les échanges entre collaborateurs.

Intranet Sharepoint
sharepoint Intranet

The Luzarches Town Hall is equipped with a SharePoint intranet in order to offer a single working tool to all its services. Batch project where each batch concerns a given service to streamline and automate exchanges between collaborators.

Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.