Job board et IA

AJ Formations
Extranet, Job Board
Optimisation des process
2024 Extranet, Job Board



  • Reduce the recruitment time of candidates for IT missions
  • Offer only validated quality profiles to end customers
  • Develop the commercial activity of the company through an innovative offer and gain credibility with the provision of better targeted and qualified profiles





  • Development of a Job Board in multi-profile extranet mode (candidates, companies, training centers, managers)
  • Solution developed with the Laravel framework
  • Extensive catalog of tests (quiz and coding tests) by language and level
  • 100% automatic validation of tests and constitution of commented profiles for companies


  • Reduction of the recruitment time of candidates by IT services companies
  • Development of the company's commercial activity vis-à-vis training centers.


I called on Pulsar Informatique to carry out the Cloud-Testing project, a platform facilitating the recruitment of web developers.
Pulsar Informatique was able to support me in the different stages of my project: from the creation of specifications where they were able to understand business issues, to the different stages of achievements where I really could rely on their technical skills and their recommendations. All this while respecting the budget agreed from the start, I am therefore very satisfied with our collaboration.
Abdelkader Barakat
Gérant de AJ-Formation
Réalisation: Job board et IA
Our work: AI and job board

Conception et livraison d'un nouvel outil d'aide à la décision de recrutement pour des profils de développeurs informatiques. L'originalité de l'outil réside dans son vaste catalogue de tests de codage en ligne avec des corrections et génération d'un profil automatiques grâce aux utilisations de l'IA qui génère et corrige les tests.

Job board et IA
AI and job board

Design and delivery of a new recruitment decision support tool for IT developer profiles. The originality of the tool lies in its vast catalog of online coding tests with automatic corrections and generation of a profile.

Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.